Saturday 24 January 2009

How To Be A Good Dad: Lesson Three

Lunch Bag Art, of course. This dad draws the most awesome lunch pictures on his kids' lunch bags during his lunch hour the day before. Seriously, these kids are damn lucky and they get a new one every day! Here are Mugatu, Megatron and Yoda.....see if you can pick 'em.

Via Metafilter.

Anamorphinc Duovision.......

......damn technical stuff, but it looks great. Actually, I have never posted a movie trailer before but this one looks awesome. So if you crave satisfaction then dig this action; guaranteed to put your arse in traction (according to the trailer). Black Dynamite, oh yeah! He drives a $5000 car and wears $100 suits - look out bitches.

Via What Would Tyler Durden Do?

Friday 23 January 2009

Grabbing Testicles and Squeezing..........

The title of this video is "Do Not Hug This Man" and for me that sums it up perfectly. His grandkids must really hate going around to his place......

Via Everything Is Terrible.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Lappin' With Lord Vader

This is a great shot; kudos to the photographer (Linhbergh I think) who's blog you can view here. If you were in charge of taking over the galaxy surly every now and then you'd just want to leave your troubles behind, jump in the seat of a very nice car (and a British Ariel Atom no less) and fang it through the desert? I know I would.

Sunday 18 January 2009

Piss Off

Every single person that voted for this man should be ashamed of themselves. Finally it is over.

Parkour Is Easy

I think even I could do this.

Saturday 17 January 2009

Broaden Your Mind, You Loser

Here is a wonderful site by a fellow teacher who has a great geography bent - gotta love that. The site is new but already is achieving 13,500 hits per day. Given that I am achieving something in the order of 3 hits per day this makes me insanely jealous.

Anyway, if your mind is wandering, go to Mind's Wonderings!

Thursday 8 January 2009

Let's Get Ready To Rumble

I try not to get too political here, but it is my blog so screw you, I'm going for it.


is what Israel is doing in Gaza. For what it is worth (nothing really) Israel is simply a bully and since 1967 that nation has given up any right to act as a victim. I hope this ends soon, for all the people who will be affected by this tragedy.

Image from No Caption Needed.

Believe Brother!!

I never really believed that this book, The Secret, could change lives. In fact, I thought it was all bull shit. Turns out that I am wrong and I heartily apologise to Oprah and all the other believers.

Read the testimonial and weep.

Sunday 4 January 2009

The Sky in Motion

This video is from the always interesting Astronomy Pic of the Day - it's my homepage! Oh, and happy 2009 and all that stuff.

túrána hott kurdís by hasta la otra méxico! from Till Credner on Vimeo.