Tuesday 28 October 2008

Smile Krauts!

A clever chap in Germany is using his right-hand drive British model Audi to rack up a few speeding tickets. The twist is that German speed cameras are geared to pick up a better image of the person sitting in the left-side seat, in this case it is the passenger seat. The Audi owner is clearly aware of this and has a giant muppet puppet sitting there taking the flack. All I can say is Kudos to you sir, Kudos.

Btw, that HAS to be Animal, only he would get mixed up in this sort of thing - he probably gets all hopped up on whatever he gets hopped up on, trashes the car in the end and drives it into a pool or something.

From Nothing To Do With Arbroath

Sunday 26 October 2008

Science Photography

Combing all manner of nerdiness, science and photography, Caleb Charland has some great images for you to enjoy - like this one of a solid, a liquid and a gas.

Thursday 23 October 2008


This site, SHOWstudio PERROQUET has some amazing iamges and slo-mo videos all inspired by nature photography. Ah, you already saw it on Boing Boing though, didn't you?

I wonder how much a steak costs?

This is a recent bill from a Zimbabwean restaurant. Who would have thought that you could pick up a castle for a measly 95 million?
Imagine their reaction to a $5 tip. Ouch.

From A Welsh View

Sunday 12 October 2008

Friday 10 October 2008

Mr Puddles!

This is great. From the second US Prez debate. Say no more.
From youtube.