Monday 29 December 2008

Thanks Santa!

I can't remember which site I got this from - maybe Metafilter - but it is funny.


Translation: I love my bong.......

Thursday 25 December 2008

God I'm Lazy

So, here we go. First post in ages, pretty good one though.

This bloke has designed and built a massive Star Wars Lego diorama over 4 years that contains something like 60,000 pieces. For those in the know the diorama depicts that assault on Hoth - very nice work.

Anyway, follow the link for more wonderful images.

From Film Roster.

Sunday 9 November 2008

Under the Bridge: Literal Version

As a follow up to the literal version of Take on Me, here is the same treatment given to the Chilli Peppers. Ponytail....

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Wednesday 5 November 2008

Trick or Treat Gone Wrong

From the vid, "This is who I want to be my wingman when I go out trick or treating"

From Live Leak.

Sunday 2 November 2008

Halloween Costume of the Year?

Not something we celebrate with as much enthusiasm as the Yanks, but this takes my vote for Halloween costume of the year by a mile (although the Wonder Woman I saw last night gets plenty of points for other reasons).

Plenty of building shots here.

From Cycnical-C Blog via Make.

You would have to say EPIC NERD!

Saturday 1 November 2008

Thank You Science

Where would we be without our scientists researching, experimenting, theorising, hypothesising and developing stuff like this?


Tuesday 28 October 2008

Smile Krauts!

A clever chap in Germany is using his right-hand drive British model Audi to rack up a few speeding tickets. The twist is that German speed cameras are geared to pick up a better image of the person sitting in the left-side seat, in this case it is the passenger seat. The Audi owner is clearly aware of this and has a giant muppet puppet sitting there taking the flack. All I can say is Kudos to you sir, Kudos.

Btw, that HAS to be Animal, only he would get mixed up in this sort of thing - he probably gets all hopped up on whatever he gets hopped up on, trashes the car in the end and drives it into a pool or something.

From Nothing To Do With Arbroath

Sunday 26 October 2008

Science Photography

Combing all manner of nerdiness, science and photography, Caleb Charland has some great images for you to enjoy - like this one of a solid, a liquid and a gas.

Thursday 23 October 2008


This site, SHOWstudio PERROQUET has some amazing iamges and slo-mo videos all inspired by nature photography. Ah, you already saw it on Boing Boing though, didn't you?

I wonder how much a steak costs?

This is a recent bill from a Zimbabwean restaurant. Who would have thought that you could pick up a castle for a measly 95 million?
Imagine their reaction to a $5 tip. Ouch.

From A Welsh View

Sunday 12 October 2008

Friday 10 October 2008

Mr Puddles!

This is great. From the second US Prez debate. Say no more.
From youtube.

Saturday 20 September 2008

Evil Euro Kangaroo

This kangaroo needs to be hunted down and killed by the authorities - not the sharks that just do their own thing in the ocean (and eat us).

Friday 19 September 2008

City in the Sand

Kolmanskop is an amazing (former) city in Namibia that sprung up as a result of a diamond find in the early twentieth century. By the 1950s it was a ghost town. Now it is becoming one with the sand.

The first link will take you through to a few other sites with beautiful images. I just love the patterning in the sand that's in someone's former hallway or bedroom. Click the link for more!

From fogonazos.

Tuesday 9 September 2008

Sunday 7 September 2008

3 Seconds.........

.......that's all it takes for the Taliban to get you these days.

Slow Mo, Baby

I don't know what I like best here - the water baloons are cool, as is stuff getting shot. I'll have to watch again.


Banksy is much cleverer than you or I. There is a pretty big pool on flickr that showcases some of his stencils and other bits and pieces - check it out!

btw, the caption on the image to the right reads "We can't do anything to change the world until capitalism crumbles. In the meantime we should all go shopping to console ourselves". A bit of a downer don't you think? Oh well, chin up.

Thanks to unusualimage for the picture.

Wednesday 27 August 2008

So Simple...........

If you don't have the worry of a download quota, hang out until the last 20 seconds. Before that you'll get a pretty reasoned case for non-believing.

Wednesday 20 August 2008

The Imperial Invasion

A cool vid showing the fall of San Fransisco.

From current.

Saturday 16 August 2008

Praise the Lord!

Some people are clever - add a farty noise and crack me up!

Tuesday 29 July 2008

Ants will one day rule the world

One month with no internet (thanks to moving house) and we're back!! Thanks for the thousands of emails enquiring as to what took us offline (actually there were none) but it is time to put those dark ages behind us and move onto bigger and better things.

The beautiful world of trap-door ants propelling themselves through the air to relaxing music. Quite nice actually.

Wednesday 2 July 2008


I don't know why this is so relaxing, but here is a train.

Friday 27 June 2008

Sunday 22 June 2008

This is Vanilla Ice - what a tool!

The Smoking Gun has a bunch of great mugshots; from the rich and famous, all the way down to your average, simple, low-life scum bag.


The Smoking Gun - you'll also find lots more at the site.

Friday 13 June 2008

Poor Newsreader

This newsreader needs to slow down.

Via Cynical-C-Blog and Poe TV.

Tuesday 10 June 2008

D Day Images

21 images of the D Day landing that are mostly American but provide another look at this amazing event in our history. A few days late for the anniversary proper - this one shows some Yanks involved in planning the event on a model of Omaha Beach.

Here is the link.

Sunday 8 June 2008

How To: Look Very Cool While Playing Football

From Nothing Toxic

When a Stylish Throw In Goes Hilariously Wrong
That's one way to make sure no one stands in that exact spot ever again.
Get humor videos at NothingToxic

Poor nerds

This is an interesting essay on why nerds are unpopular in school. It is written from an American public school perspective but it would certainly ring true for most high school students throughout the Western world.

Click the link baby.

Monday 2 June 2008

Theme: America

Brutal New York

Lost America

Well, here are a couple of sites that show the good old US of A in a different light to that of The Hills et al.

Monday 12 May 2008

The Arrow of Time

A family takes a photo on the same date every year. As time ticks past the changes are fascinating.


Saturday 10 May 2008

'Angry Aussie'

Take one Australian, add 80 years, throw in a teaspoon of bogan, a dollop of retard and a dash of disrespect for authority (make that a ladle full) and you get:

Thursday 8 May 2008

Photo of the Century

This has made a long trip to get here (via Why, That's Delightful via Cyncial -C -Blog via Clusterflock) but it is a classic. A recent caption contest winner:
"A threesome’s a threesome".

PS Yes, grandma is spewing.

Sunday 4 May 2008

Karma, baby!

I love stories like this, from Aktifmag.

"This year I was in Edinburgh during the Festival. For those of you that don’t know about it pathetic street performers from around the world congregate there and punish the public with routines they can’t get paid to do anywhere else..

Now it’s no secret that I hate street performers. Especially the ones at Circular Quay but that’s another story.

So imagine my shock when I was in a park having a picnic/few beers and one started to set up his show right where myself and some friends had been sitting for 2 hours."


Link from Aktifmag.

Saturday 3 May 2008

So True

I could not agree more.


Friday 2 May 2008

Celtic 3 - 2 hunz

Woo hoo!! We beat the huns. Choke!

I'm Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalling

This artist, Li We (all the way from Beijing), has captured some amusing and almost whimsical situations, as in the image over there.

Here for the original.

Link from Cynical-C-Blog (excellent blog!)

How To: Build a Boeing 777 in 4 Minutes

The music in this video is so cleverly assembled as to give the impression the plane is being built in 1974 but its maiden flight occurred in 1994 according to Wikipedia.

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Stormtroopers aren't getting paid enough

Here are some cool flickr shots from Balakov of Imperial Stormtroopers being all arty and 'deep', like this guy.


Also check out his other photos, there are plenty of cool ones.